Jag älskar resebloggar
Perfekt onsdagsmat för äventyraren, riddaren eller till och med självaste Indiana Jones. Fungerar antagligen utmärkt till frukost, lunch, middag, mellanmål, elvakaffet och nattmacka.
Smaklig årstid!
/Bug Buss aka gumphunden
Här kommer lite viktig samhällsorienterande samhällinformation till er samhällsgrupper som hungrar efter att få reda på allt viktigt som sker ute i världen.
Tack för att ni förser oss med de nyheter som är absolut viktigast.
När man har hela världen som arbetsfält är det inte lätt att hitta det som vi behöver veta allra mest
Everything's not lost
When I counted up my demons
Saw there was one for every day
With the good ones on my shoulders
I drove the other ones away
So if you ever feel neglected
And if you think that all is lost
I'll be counting up my demons, yeah
Hoping everything's not lost
When you thought that it was over
You could feel it all around
And everybody's out to get you
Don't you let it drag you down
'Cos if you ever feel neglected
And if you think that all is lost
I'll be counting up my demons, yeah
Hoping everything's not lost
If you ever feel neglected
If you think that all is lost
I'll be counting up my demons, yeah
Hoping everything's not lost
Everything's not lost
Saw there was one for every day
With the good ones on my shoulders
I drove the other ones away
So if you ever feel neglected
And if you think that all is lost
I'll be counting up my demons, yeah
Hoping everything's not lost
When you thought that it was over
You could feel it all around
And everybody's out to get you
Don't you let it drag you down
'Cos if you ever feel neglected
And if you think that all is lost
I'll be counting up my demons, yeah
Hoping everything's not lost
If you ever feel neglected
If you think that all is lost
I'll be counting up my demons, yeah
Hoping everything's not lost
Everything's not lost
Let's blogg!